Saturday, 19 January 2008

peoples' participation....

"When People Can Vote In Crores For Any Reality Show & Select The Right Candidate Why Can't They Do The Same In Political Voting?"

This is The Irony Of Peoples' Participation In Democracy!

-- Sachidananda.

(Eternal Happiness)

Friday, 11 January 2008

imp info...

This is Important information about a web site called

This is a site of an NGO started by Retd. IPS Officer Ms Kiran Bedi, you can go to this site an log your complaint regarding any crime if the police at your place is not accepting your complaint or it remains unattended. Then this NGO will mail your complaint to the DGP of your area. You can also use this mail as the legal document in case of filing a case in the court of judgment. This is to be noted that this site is directly administered by Ms Kiran Bedi so all your mails directly goes to her.

Friends please spread this information in your network so that any one in such need can go to this site and launch his/her complaint.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

from shailesh gandhi... rti activist

For me the last year has been immensely fulfilling, rewarding and joyous. The Right to Information is slowly showing the potential of being the biggest change agent for India’s democracy. The elite is focusing on the great growth of GDP, Sensex, salaries and malls and has faith that this millennium belongs to India. The Government claims a reduction of those below poverty line, but its own statistics reveal that over 40% children suffer from malnutrition, and over 70% of the population lives at less than Rs.20 per day. Violence and turmoil are increasing and might overtake all the gains. When 25% of our districts have significant Maoist, Naxalite, -VIOLENT,- influences, something is going wrong terribly with this non-inclusive model of development. The perception is that those in power,-the elite,- are depriving the Citizens of India, of their wealth and rights.

Citizen empowerment with Right to Information might change this grim scenario, since participative democracy can bring a more inclusive and fairer growth. During 2007, i conducted over 150 lectures and workshops on RTI, reaching around fifteen to twenty thousand people. This is a movement with many workers like me,- which is growing,- and has the potential of empowering each Citizen to realize her potential as the Sovereign Citizen of India.

Let us look forward to an India where participatory democracy is now taking root.
It could become a Nation with a sustainable human development.

A Very Happy, Joyous and Caring and Informed New Year to you and your family.

bharti & shailesh gandhi

end 2007.

Love shailesh.
All my emails are in Public Domain.


Let's try to be happy and make other happier in 2008

H-appy are those in power

A-nd with their purses bulging with money

P-an and ATM cards and stocks..

P-eople with nothing of these may

Y-ell at themselves for their 'destined 'way of life..

N-one of them hold a thing to lose or pawn

E-ars all turned against their cries,bays and yells

W-ith no drops in eyes and words in mouth to speak out..

Y-et some around wish and wish and wish into the

E-ars with no drums inside hear

A-nd they pray for those innocent dead for heaven

R-ight they're for the 'cheers 'all over this flattened world...

Good bye 2007 ;Welcome 2008 !!!!

--Pradeep Deshpande (Socio-Economic Political Writer, Mumbai)