An environmental activist - Mr Rishi Aggarwal, has invited us all for the launch of the website
For long a need has been felt for a platform where citizens who have made applications under Right to Information Act could share the information coming out of their responses. The website has a simple interface for uploading your RTI Applications and it's responses. There are still some changes which need to be carried out on the website.
By using this website we all could get to know how others have filed their RTI applications on governance issues and the responses received from the authorities. This way we would learn many things not only on how to file better RTI Applications but also how to improve upon the same by observing the responses received by others on the same issues that we are very much concerned about.
He cordially invites us all to the launch of the website. Mr. Shailesh Gandhi has graciously agreed to launch the website and hope to see many of you.
Venue: Marathi Patrakar Sangh, Opp. C.S.T.Station,
Azad Maidan. Date: Saturday, 31st May, 2008. Time: 4 - 6 pm
You can start uploading your RTI applications and responses. Should you need any help please do get in touch. Preeti Viswanathan ( ) has been of valuable assistance in the past few days and should you need help in scanning and uploading she can assist you.
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Dear friends and members of Print and Electronic Media,
This is to inform all of the Protest Walk planned to let the authorities know of the need to provide uninterrupted and encroachment-free and risk-free walking space for pedestrians. This is the Sahasi Padyatri campaign, initiated by Dr Krishnaraj Rao.
Many residents of Sion-Matunga-Wadala-Dadar - Antop Hill and members of F-North ward Citizens' Federation would participate in this protest walk.
The details are :-
Venue :-- From Lakhamsee Nappoo Road (Opp. Chheda Stores - Opp. Matunga C R Station) upto Post Office on Bhandarkar Road.
Day, Date and Time :-- Friday, 30/5/2008, 5 - 7 pm.
All are requested to spread the word to all concerned citizens and activists.
Friends in the print and electronic media are requested to depute your journalists / correspondents to cover this event.
Do make it a point to attend, even if you are late.
This is to inform all of the Protest Walk planned to let the authorities know of the need to provide uninterrupted and encroachment-free and risk-free walking space for pedestrians. This is the Sahasi Padyatri campaign, initiated by Dr Krishnaraj Rao.
Many residents of Sion-Matunga-Wadala-Dadar - Antop Hill and members of F-North ward Citizens' Federation would participate in this protest walk.
The details are :-
Venue :-- From Lakhamsee Nappoo Road (Opp. Chheda Stores - Opp. Matunga C R Station) upto Post Office on Bhandarkar Road.
Day, Date and Time :-- Friday, 30/5/2008, 5 - 7 pm.
All are requested to spread the word to all concerned citizens and activists.
Friends in the print and electronic media are requested to depute your journalists / correspondents to cover this event.
Do make it a point to attend, even if you are late.
Friday, 23 May 2008
a lesson
A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home. He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed:
"Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home.I want her to know what I go through, so please allow her body to switch with mine for a day. Amiin. "
God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish. The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman.He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awakened the kids, Set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches, Drove them to school, came home and picked upthe dry cleaning, took it to the cleaners And stopped at the bank to make a deposit, went grocery shopping,
Then drove home to put away the groceries, Paid the bills and balanced the cheque book.He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog.Then it was already 1 P.M. and he hurried to make the beds, do the laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor. Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home.Set out milk and cookies and got the kids organized to do their homework,
Then set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing. At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for salad, breaded the pork chops and snapped fresh beans for supper. After supper, he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed.
At 9 P.M. he was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren't finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he managed to get through without complaint.
The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said, "Lord,I don't know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all day. Please, oh please, let us trade back."
The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied, "My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were.You'll just have to wait nine months, though. You got pregnant lastnight."
"Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home.I want her to know what I go through, so please allow her body to switch with mine for a day. Amiin. "
God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish. The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman.He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awakened the kids, Set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches, Drove them to school, came home and picked upthe dry cleaning, took it to the cleaners And stopped at the bank to make a deposit, went grocery shopping,
Then drove home to put away the groceries, Paid the bills and balanced the cheque book.He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog.Then it was already 1 P.M. and he hurried to make the beds, do the laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor. Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home.Set out milk and cookies and got the kids organized to do their homework,
Then set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing. At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for salad, breaded the pork chops and snapped fresh beans for supper. After supper, he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed.
At 9 P.M. he was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren't finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he managed to get through without complaint.
The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said, "Lord,I don't know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all day. Please, oh please, let us trade back."
The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied, "My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were.You'll just have to wait nine months, though. You got pregnant lastnight."
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
33.33% reservations for women...
The Bill draft for 33.33% reservations of seats in Loksabha for women has been tabled for dissection and discussion during ensuing Monsoon session.The bill was first tried during 1996.The matter had been under persuasion prior to 1996 back to 1986 when women groups and movements sought space of their own in decision making process in all the bodies of Indian democracy.However, the Govt. during Rajiiv Gandhi's tenure, allowed to play up the issue by allowing 33% reservations for women in local bodies in rural and under previledged parts of the country on trial basis.It proved to be successfull despite odds and resistance in some parts.The 'meak and mute' women folk proved that they can be good decision makers and executives in local management.
And a myth systematically created and maintained by male chaunists against women's' natural inabilities' got crashed just within a span of 10 years.Corruption came down and material and civil development went up.The programme also brought about quality changes in women as the level of their empowerment kept rising.
The upward mobility proved one more fact; the Men folk preferred to keep it's mouth shut up when the women folk opened it to talk and speak , discuss and interact, ask questions and seek answers ...
A true all new Indian woman came to stay without any need to look back any more.
The bill has again been resisted by the same lot that went against it during 1996.The bill was failed for five times during the last decade.But thanks to empowerment of women ,the bill has now entered the corridors of Indian Parliament.
Why resistance ?
We have 3 reasons in main:
1. What if the women really happen to prove that they are at par even in decision making at the highest level or prove to be quite effective in planning and development within India ?
2.Why go for 33.33% reservations for women within existing 545 seats ?; why not add 33.33% seats for women by creating new seats altogether ..needn't touch the prevailant 181 seats at all ?
3.why don't settle for 20% seats within 545 ?
Let's deal with them here in brief :
1.The women on Indian lands have proved that they are matured enough to deal with 'rough and tough' poltical behaviour from male counter parts.Their voting patterns have changed to such an extent that even the hard chore male chaunist parties have acceeded to them in private if not in public.The gains secured at local body level soon after women were allowed to deal with local issues have provided sound answers.But still mine- is bigger -than -you phobia has herded the males towards awesome cynicism and their male ego is hurt.
Renuka Chaudhari is so right when she said ,"we are in process of educating men" .(Tehleka latest issue )
That should answer the reason No.1 above.
2.33.33% res.for OBC women within 33.33% is a political calculation .We have some 545 seats now and they include around 200 seats from OBC -sections.!And they made no demand for reserving something for OBC women within this 200 lot from their respective parties ! The same people are now asking for 33.33% res.for OBC within .They are afraid of losing 181 seats to women alone and the heat is so unbearable for them.So the demand for additional 181 seats for women without touching the 545 cake ! if it happens we may have 726 MPs in next elections and any issue concerned with social-economic-gender justice needing Parliamentary nod by majority vote would be failed by 545 MPs with both male and female MPs on one side against 181 from other side all females .
The demand for additional seats is illogical and irrational and tricky at least at this juncture.No one should acceed to it as a precautionary measure.
3.The third reason is nothing but polarisation of men and women in 80:20 ratio .What it means ?
One may recollect well the talk by Pravin Togadia when BJP didn't make it back to the top in 2004 elections.He said ;these two leaders have insulted 80 crores of Hindus !(he excluded 20 crores from 'other 'religions obviously !)
In reality, no such polarisations can ever happen.
As for now the overall %age of women in parliament is less than10 % (2004;539/36 women MPs). The beans are spilled just because the parties concerned can have the powers to rope in the women of their choice in certain free or constituencies earmarked for women at present.The elected females may or may not hold higher offices or remain sitting MPs for next five years resisting anything that might come in the way of gender justice.
It's sure to close the parliament doors for women knocking with bare hands . Say NO to this 20% before it's too late .
The best and sensible course would be
1. to discuss the bill in every detail and get nod for whole 33.33% reservation for women within the existing capacity .
2.The issue pertaining to 33.33 % within for OBC holds no water as it's OBC/dalit sects alone that will opt for more than 30% seats for women during national elections.The share of so called upper class women is not more than 3 % .It's a myth that these 'Bob-cut' women would cut into the OBC share ;it's an anti-OBC and anti women stand in the first place.
3.The issue need be tackled with due regard to provisions of IC in the background and as a matter of Human right more than male female talk show ;and it's absurd and lacks minimum sensibility to the core issue.
It's time the males raise to a cause of humanity and be honest to it.
Open for views and comments...
-- Pradeep Deshpande (Socio-Eco-Politico Writer)
And a myth systematically created and maintained by male chaunists against women's' natural inabilities' got crashed just within a span of 10 years.Corruption came down and material and civil development went up.The programme also brought about quality changes in women as the level of their empowerment kept rising.
The upward mobility proved one more fact; the Men folk preferred to keep it's mouth shut up when the women folk opened it to talk and speak , discuss and interact, ask questions and seek answers ...
A true all new Indian woman came to stay without any need to look back any more.
The bill has again been resisted by the same lot that went against it during 1996.The bill was failed for five times during the last decade.But thanks to empowerment of women ,the bill has now entered the corridors of Indian Parliament.
Why resistance ?
We have 3 reasons in main:
1. What if the women really happen to prove that they are at par even in decision making at the highest level or prove to be quite effective in planning and development within India ?
2.Why go for 33.33% reservations for women within existing 545 seats ?; why not add 33.33% seats for women by creating new seats altogether ..needn't touch the prevailant 181 seats at all ?
3.why don't settle for 20% seats within 545 ?
Let's deal with them here in brief :
1.The women on Indian lands have proved that they are matured enough to deal with 'rough and tough' poltical behaviour from male counter parts.Their voting patterns have changed to such an extent that even the hard chore male chaunist parties have acceeded to them in private if not in public.The gains secured at local body level soon after women were allowed to deal with local issues have provided sound answers.But still mine- is bigger -than -you phobia has herded the males towards awesome cynicism and their male ego is hurt.
Renuka Chaudhari is so right when she said ,"we are in process of educating men" .(Tehleka latest issue )
That should answer the reason No.1 above.
2.33.33% res.for OBC women within 33.33% is a political calculation .We have some 545 seats now and they include around 200 seats from OBC -sections.!And they made no demand for reserving something for OBC women within this 200 lot from their respective parties ! The same people are now asking for 33.33% res.for OBC within .They are afraid of losing 181 seats to women alone and the heat is so unbearable for them.So the demand for additional 181 seats for women without touching the 545 cake ! if it happens we may have 726 MPs in next elections and any issue concerned with social-economic-gender justice needing Parliamentary nod by majority vote would be failed by 545 MPs with both male and female MPs on one side against 181 from other side all females .
The demand for additional seats is illogical and irrational and tricky at least at this juncture.No one should acceed to it as a precautionary measure.
3.The third reason is nothing but polarisation of men and women in 80:20 ratio .What it means ?
One may recollect well the talk by Pravin Togadia when BJP didn't make it back to the top in 2004 elections.He said ;these two leaders have insulted 80 crores of Hindus !(he excluded 20 crores from 'other 'religions obviously !)
In reality, no such polarisations can ever happen.
As for now the overall %age of women in parliament is less than10 % (2004;539/36 women MPs). The beans are spilled just because the parties concerned can have the powers to rope in the women of their choice in certain free or constituencies earmarked for women at present.The elected females may or may not hold higher offices or remain sitting MPs for next five years resisting anything that might come in the way of gender justice.
It's sure to close the parliament doors for women knocking with bare hands . Say NO to this 20% before it's too late .
The best and sensible course would be
1. to discuss the bill in every detail and get nod for whole 33.33% reservation for women within the existing capacity .
2.The issue pertaining to 33.33 % within for OBC holds no water as it's OBC/dalit sects alone that will opt for more than 30% seats for women during national elections.The share of so called upper class women is not more than 3 % .It's a myth that these 'Bob-cut' women would cut into the OBC share ;it's an anti-OBC and anti women stand in the first place.
3.The issue need be tackled with due regard to provisions of IC in the background and as a matter of Human right more than male female talk show ;and it's absurd and lacks minimum sensibility to the core issue.
It's time the males raise to a cause of humanity and be honest to it.
Open for views and comments...
-- Pradeep Deshpande (Socio-Eco-Politico Writer)
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
enforcement of rule of law
Dear friends,
You are invited to attend the collective meeting of various citizens' groups, NGOs, Community Based Organisations, Social groups etc. to demand the Rule of Law from our Government.
The details are :--
Anniversary Meeting on May 3 – "Enforce the Rule of Law!"
A network of citizen groups that comes together to raise a voice that no politics can ignore. This is now required and is planned at:
St. Xavier's College Hall, Mahapalika Marg (halfway between VT and Metro) at 5.00 pm on Saturday, May 3, 2008
"Enforce the Rule of Law!" is the theme. Failure to do this by various authorities causes nearly all of our city's troubles, from violation of land use regulations and poor civic services, to disappearing open spaces and deteriorating law and order. Politics and their nexus with vested interests are increasingly responsible. The Rule of Law is our only defence.
Citizens, mobilized systematically, become the "numbers" that add force to the Legislative and Executive powers, the Judiciary and the Fourth Estate. On May 3, we will continue to fashion a Fifth Estate of all citizen organizations to tackle issues that affect us all and to press for political reform.
The program on May 3 involves brief addresses by leaders of our partner organizations including Mr. Julio Ribeiro and Dr. Sheilu Sreenivasan, The keynote address will be delivered by Justice Dhananjay Chandrachud. AGNI's Vice Chairman and Managing Trustee, Mr. D. M. Sukthankar will preside. We are considering continuing a "Pledge" program that began in Andheri on Sunday, April 6, 2008. Over 500 citizens at a Rally pledged to vote for persons who stood for the Rule of Law.
Please try to mobilise your associates and partners, all the organizations with whom you are in touch (residents' organizations, NGOs, parishes, clubs etc) to request them to attend on May 3 at St Xavier's.
Co-hosted by:
AGNI, Association for Democratic Reforms, Awaaz Foundation, Bombay Catholic Sabha, CitiSpace, Dignity Foundation, F- North Ward Citizens' Federation, H/West Federation, Juhu Citizens' Welfare Group, Khar Residents' Association, Lok Satta Movement, MITRA (Movement against Intimidation, Threat and Violence against Activists), Mohalla Committee Movement Trust, NAGAR, PRAJA and Public Concern for Governance Trust.
You are invited to attend the collective meeting of various citizens' groups, NGOs, Community Based Organisations, Social groups etc. to demand the Rule of Law from our Government.
The details are :--
Anniversary Meeting on May 3 – "Enforce the Rule of Law!"
A network of citizen groups that comes together to raise a voice that no politics can ignore. This is now required and is planned at:
St. Xavier's College Hall, Mahapalika Marg (halfway between VT and Metro) at 5.00 pm on Saturday, May 3, 2008
"Enforce the Rule of Law!" is the theme. Failure to do this by various authorities causes nearly all of our city's troubles, from violation of land use regulations and poor civic services, to disappearing open spaces and deteriorating law and order. Politics and their nexus with vested interests are increasingly responsible. The Rule of Law is our only defence.
Citizens, mobilized systematically, become the "numbers" that add force to the Legislative and Executive powers, the Judiciary and the Fourth Estate. On May 3, we will continue to fashion a Fifth Estate of all citizen organizations to tackle issues that affect us all and to press for political reform.
The program on May 3 involves brief addresses by leaders of our partner organizations including Mr. Julio Ribeiro and Dr. Sheilu Sreenivasan, The keynote address will be delivered by Justice Dhananjay Chandrachud. AGNI's Vice Chairman and Managing Trustee, Mr. D. M. Sukthankar will preside. We are considering continuing a "Pledge" program that began in Andheri on Sunday, April 6, 2008. Over 500 citizens at a Rally pledged to vote for persons who stood for the Rule of Law.
Please try to mobilise your associates and partners, all the organizations with whom you are in touch (residents' organizations, NGOs, parishes, clubs etc) to request them to attend on May 3 at St Xavier's.
Co-hosted by:
AGNI, Association for Democratic Reforms, Awaaz Foundation, Bombay Catholic Sabha, CitiSpace, Dignity Foundation, F- North Ward Citizens' Federation, H/West Federation, Juhu Citizens' Welfare Group, Khar Residents' Association, Lok Satta Movement, MITRA (Movement against Intimidation, Threat and Violence against Activists), Mohalla Committee Movement Trust, NAGAR, PRAJA and Public Concern for Governance Trust.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
horn ok please...
It's all your's for a while to share ...
Just how many years begin with new year in a year ...
All we have seconds, minutes,hours, days and months ...
And still very few moments we prefer to share...
When colors are bright and flags right ...
And we keep them changing hands and shoulders to move on...
The new people have found a fresh identity in those fest and feasts...
Quietly forgetting they send us songs of communal harmony...
And synchronized culture...
and still we love to celebrate them with the 'others' at bay...
We have so much love for the stones and fabrics with colors...
We hoist and fly...
And just hesitate to look at those tri- colors and...t
he straps in them torn in communal hate and killer instincts
with no sign of shame on our national face...
and human appeal...
How we meet and share those happy new years on internet
years after years with words and lines...
like we meet on the high ways...
those paint peeled sos signs of warning...
-- Pradeep Deshpande (Socio-Eco-Political Writer)
Just how many years begin with new year in a year ...
All we have seconds, minutes,hours, days and months ...
And still very few moments we prefer to share...
When colors are bright and flags right ...
And we keep them changing hands and shoulders to move on...
The new people have found a fresh identity in those fest and feasts...
Quietly forgetting they send us songs of communal harmony...
And synchronized culture...
and still we love to celebrate them with the 'others' at bay...
We have so much love for the stones and fabrics with colors...
We hoist and fly...
And just hesitate to look at those tri- colors and...t
he straps in them torn in communal hate and killer instincts
with no sign of shame on our national face...
and human appeal...
How we meet and share those happy new years on internet
years after years with words and lines...
like we meet on the high ways...
those paint peeled sos signs of warning...
-- Pradeep Deshpande (Socio-Eco-Political Writer)
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Obscene Remarks On Women...
The Letter
Subject: Complaint regarding derogatory remarks against women in a reputed radio channel in Mumbai.
Respected Madam/Sir,
While we consider media as the 4th pillar of democracy in our country, we can also observe that it is not performing up to its mark, particularly in the case of women.There are many T. V. serials, movies, reality shows, album songs which portray negative, derogatory and regressive images of women and enforce women only as sex objects, objects of desire or the ones who can be controlled easily by coercion. This directly & indirectly puts women as a secondary citizen and therefore they do not enjoy equality of status in the society. These negative images enforce gender stereotypes, gender insensitivity and therefore create gender inequality. In a society like India where culture, tradition is spoken every now and then, moral policing is rampant, but at the same time people wish to watch these negative, regressive images of women and do nothing about it. Previously it was (it is still) rampant only in T.V. serials, movies, album songs. But now after the 'Radio FM' revolution in the country, even they have started to line up with audio-visual media.
Recently a reputed radio channel from Mumbai, Radio 91.1 FM (Radio City) on 21st March 2008 in 15:05-15:10 Pm played a clip which made a derogatory remark on air. It goes like this: "woh muuchh hi kya jise fera nahi jaata, woh ladki hi kya jise chheda nahi jaata." ('What Is A Mustache That Can't Be Curled Up, What Is A Girl Who Is Not Teased.')
When eve teasing is rampant all over the country (with its graph increasing), women cannot move out freely, they are always tensed about who is the next to tease them (physically, mentally or verbally), this statement from a reputed radio channel is sure to enforce eve teasing. Instead of going against eve teasing during holi festival, they are reinforcing it. This is an utter shame on the part of the 4th pillar of our democracy: marred by insensitivity towards female gender. Moreover it even enforces patriarchy, superiority of the male gender over the female by talking about men having a mustache and directly relating it to teasing women.
We as citizens of India, request you to take a quick and stern action against the radio channel, the content writer, the content editor and the radio jockey himself. We expect a public apology from the company and from all of them who are related to the show. (on a particular date & at a particular time) and also that the company should be fined as per the rules and regulations of our respected Constitution.
We hope this serious issue is redressed quickly and adequate measures are taken that such remarks are not passed; particularly on air. (be it any form of media)
In Solidarity,
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself.
Join The Online Campaign:
Subject: Complaint regarding derogatory remarks against women in a reputed radio channel in Mumbai.
Respected Madam/Sir,
While we consider media as the 4th pillar of democracy in our country, we can also observe that it is not performing up to its mark, particularly in the case of women.There are many T. V. serials, movies, reality shows, album songs which portray negative, derogatory and regressive images of women and enforce women only as sex objects, objects of desire or the ones who can be controlled easily by coercion. This directly & indirectly puts women as a secondary citizen and therefore they do not enjoy equality of status in the society. These negative images enforce gender stereotypes, gender insensitivity and therefore create gender inequality. In a society like India where culture, tradition is spoken every now and then, moral policing is rampant, but at the same time people wish to watch these negative, regressive images of women and do nothing about it. Previously it was (it is still) rampant only in T.V. serials, movies, album songs. But now after the 'Radio FM' revolution in the country, even they have started to line up with audio-visual media.
Recently a reputed radio channel from Mumbai, Radio 91.1 FM (Radio City) on 21st March 2008 in 15:05-15:10 Pm played a clip which made a derogatory remark on air. It goes like this: "woh muuchh hi kya jise fera nahi jaata, woh ladki hi kya jise chheda nahi jaata." ('What Is A Mustache That Can't Be Curled Up, What Is A Girl Who Is Not Teased.')
When eve teasing is rampant all over the country (with its graph increasing), women cannot move out freely, they are always tensed about who is the next to tease them (physically, mentally or verbally), this statement from a reputed radio channel is sure to enforce eve teasing. Instead of going against eve teasing during holi festival, they are reinforcing it. This is an utter shame on the part of the 4th pillar of our democracy: marred by insensitivity towards female gender. Moreover it even enforces patriarchy, superiority of the male gender over the female by talking about men having a mustache and directly relating it to teasing women.
We as citizens of India, request you to take a quick and stern action against the radio channel, the content writer, the content editor and the radio jockey himself. We expect a public apology from the company and from all of them who are related to the show. (on a particular date & at a particular time) and also that the company should be fined as per the rules and regulations of our respected Constitution.
We hope this serious issue is redressed quickly and adequate measures are taken that such remarks are not passed; particularly on air. (be it any form of media)
In Solidarity,
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself.
Join The Online Campaign:
Complaint Against A Radio Channel In Mumbai
A few days back, on 21st March 2008, a statement was made on the radio channel: radio city radio 91.1fm in Mumbai, in between 3.00-3.10pm. It goes like this:
"woh muuchh hi kya jise fera nahi jaata, woh ladki hi kya jise chheda nahi jaata." ('What Is A Mustache That Can't Be Curled Up, What Is A Girl Who Is Not Teased.')
"woh muuchh hi kya jise fera nahi jaata, woh ladki hi kya jise chheda nahi jaata." ('What Is A Mustache That Can't Be Curled Up, What Is A Girl Who Is Not Teased.')
This statement violates:
Fundamental Duties with regards to women and also violation of Self Segulatory Guidelines for the Broadcasting Sector, 2008. (content certification rules, 2008, theme 7: harm & offence, point no.8) It also misuses Fundamental Rights: Freedom Of Expression (Art.19) as enshrined in the Constitution.
Fundamental Duties with regards to women and also violation of Self Segulatory Guidelines for the Broadcasting Sector, 2008. (content certification rules, 2008, theme 7: harm & offence, point no.8) It also misuses Fundamental Rights: Freedom Of Expression (Art.19) as enshrined in the Constitution.
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself has decided to have a take on this and ask the radio channel to publicly apologise for this derogatory remark passed on women/girls. We have witnesses who have listened to this statement.
We have tried mailing the letter (as written below) to the press and to the visual media so that they take this statement and publish or report it in their respective media; but with no success. We request you to go through the letter, sign it and forward it in your friends list so that it revolves through the internet and later on we can send it to responsible heads so that a stern action is taken against the radio channel.
We expect your support to the fullest in regaining sensitivity and equality amongst both the gender and both the sexes so that sexism through and in the media is controlled.
1) If you know any person or a group who have listened to Radio 91.1fm on that date & time please do tell them to contact us on
2) Please join the online campaign on the following url:
Thanking You.
In Solidarity,
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself.
In Solidarity,
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself.
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
poster 1 stucked at new india assurance, fort, mumbai
A Simple Message, but speaks a lot...
typically Baba Amte stlye!
Yes, Hands Are Not For Beating, But For Building!
This message is not only for the girl child or a woman but for all...
Domestic Violence, faced by many girl children, not only in the third world but also in the first world, house wives (rather home makers) even office going women face this brutality.
As there is a transformation from traditional women- being home makers to todays modern office-corporate going woman, parallely there is a transformation in the problems faced by the same woman. Yes, the woman as a sex or rather gender remained the same but problems started variying... from the food gathering-hunting stage, the agricutural era, the industrial era and todays the intellectual era wherein most of the work had to be done by the woman in the house (dominated by the eldest woman) and today she is handling dual responsibilities each having multiple roles. Even though the urban woman is economically empowered (although not all) she doesn't have a say in the house which she belongs to. (be it maternal or in-laws) The man still continues to be the key decision maker in the house which allows him to dominate over her. Following the rules of patriarchy (indirectly manusmriti) he ensures that she is kept docile, dominated and obeys his 'orders' .
How does he ensures this? Simply by controlling her through physical, mental & emotional violence. Some feminists would argue that anatomy is not the reason of this 'dominant-dominated' relationship, but it is a fact. It is the most simplest way of contolling any human being: be it another man himself, a girl, a child or a woman. These physical sanctions give man the edge to control the woman in his house. To add to worse, our Indian culture and tradition doesn't allow to retaliate against a man; thus she suffers in silence. Even after a revolution in the IT sector, even after modernisation, the woman has sanctions. (indicating that there is no connection between the socio-economic status of a woman and modernisation)
There are many reasons for domestic violence apart from patriarchical culture. Where domestic violence is not only about physical beating or physical sanctions it also includes mental-emotional torture, non-consensual sexual relationships. Frustration on man in his work, (outside home) his inability to earn and the current reason is his inability to earn more than his wife: which is actually considered to be 'unmanly'. Unsatisfactory sexual relations between the husband and wife leads to marital rapes. (including physical sanctions) Conflicts between the daughter-in-law & her in-laws leading to domestic violence are not a passe. Many a times the mother-in-law is the perpetuor of the sanction. Now-a-days media instead of showing progreessive images of women, shows regressive images. Outright portrayal of domestic violence in 'their' daily soaps effectively concludes in the 'mind of the man' that he is the only authority in the family, he has the sole power in the family to make or break 'major' decisions in the family. He takes for granted that he has all powers over all women in his house and that they should behave according to his 'whims & fancies' , which he calls 'rules of his house'.
But we all should understand that "All That Is Personal Is Political". This means whatever is happenning in a personal life of a woman (be it positive or negative) has implications in the social, economic & political life which again boomerangs into the woman's personal life.
We all have to speak against domestic violence: of all types- physical, mental, emotional & sexual. The woman has to start speaking up against it and the man has to support her in this struggle against domestic violence. The man should understand that he is because of a woman and the woman should understand that she has all rights to speak against any kind of injustice she faces.
Lets build our struggle to beat domestic violence!
-- Sachidananda.
(Eternal Happiness)
A Simple Message, but speaks a lot...
typically Baba Amte stlye!
Yes, Hands Are Not For Beating, But For Building!
This message is not only for the girl child or a woman but for all...
Domestic Violence, faced by many girl children, not only in the third world but also in the first world, house wives (rather home makers) even office going women face this brutality.
As there is a transformation from traditional women- being home makers to todays modern office-corporate going woman, parallely there is a transformation in the problems faced by the same woman. Yes, the woman as a sex or rather gender remained the same but problems started variying... from the food gathering-hunting stage, the agricutural era, the industrial era and todays the intellectual era wherein most of the work had to be done by the woman in the house (dominated by the eldest woman) and today she is handling dual responsibilities each having multiple roles. Even though the urban woman is economically empowered (although not all) she doesn't have a say in the house which she belongs to. (be it maternal or in-laws) The man still continues to be the key decision maker in the house which allows him to dominate over her. Following the rules of patriarchy (indirectly manusmriti) he ensures that she is kept docile, dominated and obeys his 'orders' .
How does he ensures this? Simply by controlling her through physical, mental & emotional violence. Some feminists would argue that anatomy is not the reason of this 'dominant-dominated' relationship, but it is a fact. It is the most simplest way of contolling any human being: be it another man himself, a girl, a child or a woman. These physical sanctions give man the edge to control the woman in his house. To add to worse, our Indian culture and tradition doesn't allow to retaliate against a man; thus she suffers in silence. Even after a revolution in the IT sector, even after modernisation, the woman has sanctions. (indicating that there is no connection between the socio-economic status of a woman and modernisation)
There are many reasons for domestic violence apart from patriarchical culture. Where domestic violence is not only about physical beating or physical sanctions it also includes mental-emotional torture, non-consensual sexual relationships. Frustration on man in his work, (outside home) his inability to earn and the current reason is his inability to earn more than his wife: which is actually considered to be 'unmanly'. Unsatisfactory sexual relations between the husband and wife leads to marital rapes. (including physical sanctions) Conflicts between the daughter-in-law & her in-laws leading to domestic violence are not a passe. Many a times the mother-in-law is the perpetuor of the sanction. Now-a-days media instead of showing progreessive images of women, shows regressive images. Outright portrayal of domestic violence in 'their' daily soaps effectively concludes in the 'mind of the man' that he is the only authority in the family, he has the sole power in the family to make or break 'major' decisions in the family. He takes for granted that he has all powers over all women in his house and that they should behave according to his 'whims & fancies' , which he calls 'rules of his house'.
But we all should understand that "All That Is Personal Is Political". This means whatever is happenning in a personal life of a woman (be it positive or negative) has implications in the social, economic & political life which again boomerangs into the woman's personal life.
We all have to speak against domestic violence: of all types- physical, mental, emotional & sexual. The woman has to start speaking up against it and the man has to support her in this struggle against domestic violence. The man should understand that he is because of a woman and the woman should understand that she has all rights to speak against any kind of injustice she faces.
Lets build our struggle to beat domestic violence!
-- Sachidananda.
(Eternal Happiness)
fund raising program...
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself, is a social organization working towards Women empowerment, Reforms In Education & Know Your Rights.
We are making ‘Book Marks- With A Message’ as its fund raising program and selling it at Rs. 2/-, Rs. 3/- & Rs. 5/-
The messages are in English, Hindi & Marathi.
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself, is having a poster exhibition on the eve of International Women’s Day at New India Centre, Colaba, Mumbai on 7th March 2008 from 3 pm to 6 pm.
We are even selling those Book Marks on that day.
Interested can attend the exhibition.
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself is Urgently Needing Volunteers for the exhibition and also for helping them in their work.
Please do contact us on our e-mail.
-- Dnyeyam- Know Yourself Team.
We are making ‘Book Marks- With A Message’ as its fund raising program and selling it at Rs. 2/-, Rs. 3/- & Rs. 5/-
The messages are in English, Hindi & Marathi.
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself, is having a poster exhibition on the eve of International Women’s Day at New India Centre, Colaba, Mumbai on 7th March 2008 from 3 pm to 6 pm.
We are even selling those Book Marks on that day.
Interested can attend the exhibition.
Dnyeyam- Know Yourself is Urgently Needing Volunteers for the exhibition and also for helping them in their work.
Please do contact us on our e-mail.
-- Dnyeyam- Know Yourself Team.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Friday, 15 February 2008
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Book On Communalism...
Illustrated Primer by
Publisher: Mumbai Sarvodaya Friendship Center, Mulund, Mumbai.
Contribution: Rs. 60/- Pages 128.
This book deals with the phenomenon of sectarian violence and politics in a very lucid manner. The phenomenon of communalism has come as a major threat to our democracy in current times. This phenomenon is also breaking our plural values and inter- community amity.
Contents- Babri Demolition, Post Babri Violence, Godhra, Gujarat Carnage, Citizens Tribunal report, India's synergetic traditions, mixed heritage, Rise and growth of Communalism, Values of India's Freedom movement, Gandhi, Muslim and Hindu communalism, Doctoring mass consciousness, Hindutva, RSS and exploited sections of society, Tasks for Secular Movement, Vande Matram controversy, Ram Setu or Adams bridge, Terrorism, Civilizations, clash or alliance.
The book is in the form of brief answers to the prevalent myths in a very simple style. It is richly illustrated with pictures, cartoons and tables. It gives a comprehensive view of the problem of communalism as being faced by the
nation. A must read for all concerned with defense of democratic and secular values.
for further details contact:
Saturday, 19 January 2008
peoples' participation....
Friday, 11 January 2008
imp info...
This is Important information about a web site called
This is a site of an NGO started by Retd. IPS Officer Ms Kiran Bedi, you can go to this site an log your complaint regarding any crime if the police at your place is not accepting your complaint or it remains unattended. Then this NGO will mail your complaint to the DGP of your area. You can also use this mail as the legal document in case of filing a case in the court of judgment. This is to be noted that this site is directly administered by Ms Kiran Bedi so all your mails directly goes to her.
Friends please spread this information in your network so that any one in such need can go to this site and launch his/her complaint.
This is a site of an NGO started by Retd. IPS Officer Ms Kiran Bedi, you can go to this site an log your complaint regarding any crime if the police at your place is not accepting your complaint or it remains unattended. Then this NGO will mail your complaint to the DGP of your area. You can also use this mail as the legal document in case of filing a case in the court of judgment. This is to be noted that this site is directly administered by Ms Kiran Bedi so all your mails directly goes to her.
Friends please spread this information in your network so that any one in such need can go to this site and launch his/her complaint.
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
from shailesh gandhi... rti activist
For me the last year has been immensely fulfilling, rewarding and joyous. The Right to Information is slowly showing the potential of being the biggest change agent for India’s democracy. The elite is focusing on the great growth of GDP, Sensex, salaries and malls and has faith that this millennium belongs to India. The Government claims a reduction of those below poverty line, but its own statistics reveal that over 40% children suffer from malnutrition, and over 70% of the population lives at less than Rs.20 per day. Violence and turmoil are increasing and might overtake all the gains. When 25% of our districts have significant Maoist, Naxalite, -VIOLENT,- influences, something is going wrong terribly with this non-inclusive model of development. The perception is that those in power,-the elite,- are depriving the Citizens of India, of their wealth and rights.
Citizen empowerment with Right to Information might change this grim scenario, since participative democracy can bring a more inclusive and fairer growth. During 2007, i conducted over 150 lectures and workshops on RTI, reaching around fifteen to twenty thousand people. This is a movement with many workers like me,- which is growing,- and has the potential of empowering each Citizen to realize her potential as the Sovereign Citizen of India.
Let us look forward to an India where participatory democracy is now taking root.
It could become a Nation with a sustainable human development.
A Very Happy, Joyous and Caring and Informed New Year to you and your family.
bharti & shailesh gandhi
end 2007.
Love shailesh.
All my emails are in Public Domain.
Citizen empowerment with Right to Information might change this grim scenario, since participative democracy can bring a more inclusive and fairer growth. During 2007, i conducted over 150 lectures and workshops on RTI, reaching around fifteen to twenty thousand people. This is a movement with many workers like me,- which is growing,- and has the potential of empowering each Citizen to realize her potential as the Sovereign Citizen of India.
Let us look forward to an India where participatory democracy is now taking root.
It could become a Nation with a sustainable human development.
A Very Happy, Joyous and Caring and Informed New Year to you and your family.
bharti & shailesh gandhi
end 2007.
Love shailesh.
All my emails are in Public Domain.
Let's try to be happy and make other happier in 2008
H-appy are those in power
A-nd with their purses bulging with money
P-an and ATM cards and stocks..
P-eople with nothing of these may
Y-ell at themselves for their 'destined 'way of life..
N-one of them hold a thing to lose or pawn
E-ars all turned against their cries,bays and yells
W-ith no drops in eyes and words in mouth to speak out..
Y-et some around wish and wish and wish into the
E-ars with no drums inside hear
A-nd they pray for those innocent dead for heaven
R-ight they're for the 'cheers 'all over this flattened world...
Good bye 2007 ;Welcome 2008 !!!!
--Pradeep Deshpande (Socio-Economic Political Writer, Mumbai)
H-appy are those in power
A-nd with their purses bulging with money
P-an and ATM cards and stocks..
P-eople with nothing of these may
Y-ell at themselves for their 'destined 'way of life..
N-one of them hold a thing to lose or pawn
E-ars all turned against their cries,bays and yells
W-ith no drops in eyes and words in mouth to speak out..
Y-et some around wish and wish and wish into the
E-ars with no drums inside hear
A-nd they pray for those innocent dead for heaven
R-ight they're for the 'cheers 'all over this flattened world...
Good bye 2007 ;Welcome 2008 !!!!
--Pradeep Deshpande (Socio-Economic Political Writer, Mumbai)
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